We are a small reenactment unit, so we don’t carry a lot of rank. So here are the basic infantry ranks we will use in our impressions.
Rekrut – Field Grey shoulderboard with white waffenfarb around the edges.
Grenadier – Same as above
Gefreiter – Same shoulderboard and collar as above, but also adds one chevron to the left arm sleeve.
Obergefreiter – Same shoulderboard and collar as above, but adds two chevrons to the left arm sleeve.
Unteroffizier – The collar and shoulderboards will be surrounded by a thin piece of cloth called “tresse” (braid). You’ll note that the shoulderboard is not fully enclosed by this tresse as the end is open, indicating a junior Non-Commissioned Officer.
Feldwebel – The collar and shoulderboards will be surrounded on the edges by a thin piece of cloth called “tresse” (braid). For the Feldwebel (senior NCO) the shoulderboard will be fully closed with the tresse. There will be one silver “pip” centered towards the end of the shoulderboard.
Uniform and Equipment
There was a lot of equipment issued to the Wehrmacht soldat! To put on our best impression, we need to have a bare minimum amount of “stuff” before we can accurately portray our German soldier.
Senior members of the Regiment are more than willing to assist any Soldat in where to purchase gear or uniform items. We do have a certain set of companies that we like to purchase from for the sake of quality, price, and uniformity such as At the Front, Hessen Antique, etc.
It’s important to note, as you get more and more into this hobby, you’ll find interest in other impressions. We are able to change our uniforms around depending on the event we do. There has been more Mediterranean events lately, so a lot of our member have a tropical impression along with their main impression.
New recruits should ask senior members before purchasing new items if possible. One of the most important objectives of this Regiment is to be historically accurate and not look like a patchwork outfit, but at the same time not overdo it and look like carbon copies or have a “farb-fest.”.
-Jacket (Feldbluse): M40 pattern (feldgrau collar, pleated pockets). For later war events, an M42/M43 pattern tunic is acceptable. *Tunic must have belt hooks and internal suspenders to secure belt hooks.
-Trousers (Hosen): M36 Tuchhose, M40 Tuchhose, or M42/43 Keilhosen standard Heer trousers in field grey
-HBTs (Drillichanzug): Since starting our unit, we have found more and more evidence of the use of the Herringbone Twill work uniforms being used as combat uniforms. For the heat of Florida, it is a good idea to have a set to go along with your wool uniform. M43 sets can be found at
-Suspenders for trousers (Hosentrager); belt or suspenders can be used for M42/43 trousers.
-Service Shirt (Diensthemd): Cotton or knit Wehrmacht undershirt (grey or green)
-Erkennungsmarke (Dogtag, we can mark these ourselves) w/ leather or cotton cord. Pouch for ID tag is allowed.
-Footwear: M37/M42 Lowboots (Schnurschuhe).
-Ankle Gaiters (Gamaschen): Heer Gamaschen must be worn with the schnurschuhe. Black leather fittings is preferred.
-Headgear: Enlisted M38 Peaked Cap (aka overseas cap) may be worn at any event; Enlisted M43 Field Cap (Feldmutze) may be worn only at later war events.
-Cap Insignia: M38 must have cap eagle and cockade, no soustache is preferred. M43 must have BeVo eagle/cockade trapezoid.
-Collar Tabs (Litzen): Generic dark green or generic mouse grey only. No colored litzen, this is pre-war.
-Shoulder Boards (Schulterklappen): Mid war (field grey wool) shoulder boards with infantry white waffenfarbe. We also use dark green waffenfarbe for some events for Panzergrenadier
-Chest Eagle (Brustadler): BeVo M36, M40 or M43
-Soldatenbuch (A.K.A. Soldbuch – soldier’s book) – holds personal information and is especially useful for recording attended events.
*If you wear glasses, please make an attempt to get period-correct frames for your prescription lenses.*
-Helmet (Stahlhelm): M40 or M42 Helmet preferred. No decal is preferred. Reproduction or original are acceptable, but must be correct. At the Front or Hessen both sell acceptable repros, but usually need to be repainted. 1944 Militaria sells correct paint colors. M42 helmet is acceptable for events taking place 1942 and later. M35 may be used if it has the correct paint. Helmet covers are dependent on the event.
-Equipment Belt (Koppel): Standard black leather equipment belt with field grey belt buckle (koppelschloss).
-Ammunition Pouches (Patronenestaschen): Appropriate ammunition pouches for individual weapon (2x black leather for Kar98K, 2x olive green or tan canvas for MP40, etc)
-Canteen (Feldflasche): Standard .75L M31 canteen with cup (Trinkbecher), cover, and strap.
-Breadbag (Brotbeutel): Heer M31
-Bayonet (Seitengewehr): Standard bayonet with black leather frog (seitengewehrtasche) if standard weapon is K98k.
-Mess Kit (Kochgeschirr): Original or repro M31 mess kit with strap and utensils. NO post war/Bundeswehr “tall” kits.
-Gas mask canister (Gasmaskentrager): Original or repro standard gas mask can. A gas sheet bag is recommended as well to keep things from clanging into each other.
-Entrenching tool (Schanzzeug): Can be original or repro, flat or folding. Must have correct black leather carrier (schanzzeugtasche)
-Shelter Quarter (Zeltbahn): Must be Splinter camo pattern. Four zeltbanen are used to create a tent. Each soldat should have a tent pole section, two tent stakes, and a tent stake rope to go with their zeltbahn. More than one zeltbahn is authorized. Can be used as a camo smock at commander’s discretion.
-Butter Dish (Fettbuchse): Black, green, or orange butter dish.
Optional/Recommended Equipment, Clothing, and Personal Items:
-Gloves (Handschuhe): correct grey wool (highly recommended for winter events))
-Sweater (Pullover): correct grey wool (for winter events)
-Parka Jacket (Wendetarnjacke): Reversable Splinter camo parka (for winter events; with commander’s consent)
-Parka Pants (Wendetarnhosen): Reversable Splinter camo pants; may or may not be worn with the jacket.
-Greatcoat (Mantel): M36 or M40; this is preferred over the camo parka. (for winter events)
-Toque (Kopfschutzer): green or grey; worn correctly, not as a balaclava (highly recommended for winter events)
-Scarf (Schal): Grey wool is preferred, other colors/materials with commander’s approval. (for winter events)
-Esbit Stove (Esbitkocher): Useful item for heating water or food with a fuel tab in the field.
–German-made K98 is the standard issue weapon of the Wehrmacht. This is the bare requirement. Post-war Mausers (Yugo’s, Czech’s, etc) are not acceptable.
*Following weapons may be approved by unit leader*
–MP40 submachinegun (BFONG, blank-adapted semi-auto, or blank-adapted legal full auto)
-G43 for later events
-MG34 or MG42 (if part of MG team; BFONG, blank-adapted semi-auto, or blank-adapted legal full auto)
-Blank firing Luger P08 or Walther P38 (if part of MG team)
Concerning badges and awards for our unit:
We don’t want to be a “badge heavy” unit. So some of this stuff will be unit commander discretion for each event. We want to recognize accomplishments, but we also don’t want to look unrealistic. On top of that, some awards are only worn on dress uniform. Awards received are not required to be worn, but awards worn will be worn correctly and in order of precedence. Events producing awards must be witnessed and corroborated by a fellow Soldat in the rank of Obergefreiter or above and approved by the unit commander. Full medals that have ribbon versions will not be worn on the combat uniform except in ribbon form (such as the Italian campaign medal.) Awards from other units or real-world service will not be worn while in service with 211th Grenadier.
The following awards are the only authorized awards in the 211th Grenadier:
Iron Cross Second Class
Iron Cross First Class
Wound Badge in Black
Infantry Assault Badge in Silver
Tank Destruction Badge in Silver (No more than one)
War Merit Cross Second Class
War Merit Cross First Class